Dr Jagdish Dua
Jagdish Dua is the Psychologist at Strathfield Medical Centre. He has a PhD in Psychology
from the University of Sydney.
He is a
- Member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and Member of the APS
College of Health Psychologists - Member of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
- Member of the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA)
- International Affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA)
Jagdish is registered with Medicare and is accredited to provide mental health services to:
- Clients experiencing Mental Health issues
- Workcover clients
- Motor Accident clients
Our Psychologist works with clients experiencing a broad range of mental health or
emotional health issues, for example,
- Anxiety, Generalised Anxiety, Panic and Phobias
- Depression
- Obsessions and Compulsions
- Adjustment Problems
- Anger Problems
- Stress and Post-traumatic Stress
- Bereavement Issues
- Addiction issues
- Relationship Issues
In working with people suffering from a mental disorder, the Psychologist uses many
procedures, for example,
- Cognitive-behaviour Therapy
- Behaviour Therapy
- Relaxation-based Procedures
- Meditation-based Procedures
- Assertiveness Training
- Self-help therapies
- Psycho-education
Mental Health Treatment Plans
The GP Mental Health Treatment Plans are for patients with a mental disorder who would
benefit from a structured approach to the management of their treatment needs.
The treatment plan involves a discussion between your doctor and you regarding the
mental health assessment and treatment services that would assist you with the mental
health issues being faced by you.
After consultation, your doctor might refer you to a
- Psychologist
- Psychiatrist
for further management of your disorder.
Medicare benefits are available for up to ten (10) mental health services per eligible
patient, per calendar year, to help with the cost of attending these health professionals.
Phone: +1(012)3456 78 90
Mail: name@mail.com