
All patient information is private and confidentiality of patient information must be maintained at all times. The rights of every patient are to be respected. All information collected by this practice in providing a health service is deemed to be private and confidential.


Our patient scheduling system is flexible enough to accommodate patients with urgent, non-urgent, complex and planned chronic care and preventative needs. Patients can request to see their preferred doctor or member of the health team. If a patient is unable to see their preferred GP, they are advised about the availability of other clinical staff and offered an appointment to see them. The urgency of the patient ‘s condition is always assessed before booking an appointment with their preferred GP at a later time.

Patient Right

The practice staff members respect the rights and needs of al patient.

No patient is refused access to clinical assessment or medical treatment on the basis of gender, race, disability, Aboriginality, age, religion, ethnicity, beliefs, sexual preference or medical condition. Our practice has implemented provisions to assist all patients to access our services including INTERPRETER SERVICES.


In our practice, customer satisfaction and patient experience is important to us. All patients have the right to complain if they feel the service, they received did not meet their experience.

Privacy and Personal Health Information

This practice is bound by Federal Privacy Act (1988), the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Australian Privacy Principles and relevant NSW privacy legislation. Australian Privacy Principles (march 2014), and also complies with NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act (2002).

‘’Personal health information’ and sensitive information a particular subset of personal information and can include any information collected to provide a health service. This information includes medical details, family information, name, address, employment and other demographic data, past medical and social history, current health issues and future medical care, Medicare number, accounts details and nay health information such as medical or personal opinion about a person’s health, disability or health issues.

The practice team can describe how we correctly identify our patients using 3 patient identifiers, name, and date of birth, address or gender to ascertain we have the correct patient record before entering or actioning anything from that record.

For each patient we have an individual electronic patient health record (Medical Director) containing all clinical information held by our practice relating to that patient. The Practice ensures the protection of all information contained therein. Our patient health records can be accessed by an appropriate team member when required. We also ensure information held about the patient in different records (eg at a residential aged care facility) is available when required.

Patient Consultation

Patient privacy and security of information is maximised during consultations by closing consulting room doors. All examination couches, including those in the treatment room, have curtains or privacy screens.

Medical Records

The physical medical records and related information created and maintained for the continuing management of each patient are the property of this Practice. This information is deemed a personal health record and while the patient does not have ownership of the record, he/she has the right to access under the provisions of Commonwealth Privacy and State Health Records Acts. Requests for access to the medical record will be acted upon only if received in written format.

3rd Party Requests for Access to Medical Records/Health Information

Requests for 3rd Party access to the medical records should be initiated by either receipt of correspondence form a solicitor or government agency or by the patient completing a Patient Request for Personal Health Information Form. Where a patient request form or and signed authorisation is not obtained the practice is not legally obliged to release.

Medical Records Administration Systems

The practice team can describe how we correctly identify our patients using 3 patients identifiers, name, date of birth, address or gender to ascertain we have the correct patient record before entering or actioning anything form that record.

Transfer of medical records

Transfer of medical records from this Practice can occur in the following instances:

  • For medico-legal reasons e.g. record is subpoenaed to court.
  • When a patient asks for their medical record to be transferred to another Practice, due to moving residence or for other reasons.
  • Where an individual medical record report is requested from another source.
  • Where the Doctor is retiring and the practice is closing.
Informed Consent

Our doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers inform their patients of the purpose, importance, benefits, risks and possible costs of proposed investigations referrals or treatments, including medicines and medicine safety. We believe that patients need to receive sufficient information to allow to make informed decision.

Our doctors and staff have a professional obligation to ensure they understand our patients and that the patients understand any verbal or written information.

Consent Form

“Consent for medical treatment, procedure or examination “form attached is used for patient consent to on site health services. The doctor explains the form to the patient and completes it with the patient signature.